It has been a joy to walk along with Janet these past weeks since her cancer diagnosis. We've known each other and been coworkers for 18 years, and have had many good times together. We have laughed together (or was it crying??) as we tried to get her computer to do what we thought it should, enjoyed many conferences and ladies' retreats together, but haven't really spent much time together. That has changed! It's been such a blessing to spend time with Janet the past three weeks since she got back from Israel. We've learned more about each other than we probably ever wanted to know! I know she's got mind of her own, she knows I'm bossy. I know she snores, she knows I'm like a zombie when she wakes me up out of a deep sleep! I know she has a deep, abiding love for the Father and her faith is only growing stronger through the trials she is going through. And I trust she knows that I love her dearly and count it a privilege to help do for her what she can no longer do for herself. There are a group of us who work together so that Janet always has someone with her, see that she gets to her appointments with her doctors, give her back rubs, make sure she has what she wants to eat when she wants it, schedule her visitors, help her take care of business matters, sort through 'stuff' with her, listen to the stories that are a part of herlife, laugh with her, cry with her, pray with her, sing with her.....
Yesterday Janet had a stent put in her bile duct. She has been jaundiced since she returned from Israel but it was getting worse so her doctors recommended that a stent be put in so the bile can drain properly. She also had a nerve block done to help control the pain in her abdomen. The surgery went well as far as we know and hopefully we'll start seeing some positive results in a day or two. She is very weak, has little appetite and has had some pain today. When her doctors decide she's strong enough she will be able to go home. She is also praying about whether or not to do radiation therapy on the tumor on her spine. Her doctors have recommended the treatment because the cancer will weaken her bones and she may well become paralyzed. The growth on her spine in on the T11 and T12 vertebrae. The radiation treatment won't prolong her life but may give her a better quality of life until the Lord takes her to be with Him.
The most precious part of our day yesterday was when a group of us were standing around her bed before she went down for surgery. Instead of praying together she wanted us to sing 'The Lord's Prayer'. Janet has such a beautiful voice and her face just glowed with joy as we sang together! I heard the nurse tell the others who were waiting to take her down to the OR that they needed to wait while we worshipped together! Keep praying for Janet, that she will find her strength in the Lord as her body continues to weaken. Pray for Pam as she decides when to return to Thailand from the States and for safety as she travels. Pray for those of us who are caring for Janet, that we'll know best how to meet Janet's needs from day to day. (by Deb Shimmin, Janet's personal 'glob blogger'!)
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