I (Deb) just talked to Mary, who is caring for Janet this morning. Mary said Janet has been sleeping since she arrived a couple hours ago. All Mary has been able to do for her is swab out her mouth to keep it from being so dry. The nurses couldn't get a good reading of her vitals this morning. She hasn't been out of bed since yesterday morning. The doctors haven't been in to check her. Mary said Janet wasn't able to swallow her pain meds this morning so the doctor will most likely have the IV port put in so she can get her pain meds intravenously. Pray that the pain will not come back with the change in the medications. We know we can't change the outcome of this disease but we want to keep Janet as comfortable as possible.
I am posting some photos taken this past weekend.

Sort of looks like her room has become a party room at times. I'm so glad that you all can have fun times also in the midst of such hard times. Praying for all of you.