Thursday, July 2, 2009

Dance Lessons

Today was an unexpected joy! Janet was feeling stronger and her mind was clear. Melanie and I stayed with her while Pam and Becky went out to talk with Janet's doctor and spend some down time together. Janet wanted someone to read some chapters in Isaiah so I read chapters 51-53 while Melanie gave a back massage. She also listened to some scripture and music on CD. During the course of the day Janet took care of more business matters and sorted through some more papers and old photos. She gave us a scare when she was eating lunch. We were listening over the monitor while we were getting our lunch ready when we heard her choking. She had put too much hot pepper sauce on her chicken and rice and her mouth was on fire! I told Janet that it wouldn't look good on her blog if we posted that after battling pancreatic cancer she died of an overdose of hot sauce!!

She also insisted that she teach me (Deb) and Soi, how to dance after we told her we didn't know how! She demonstrated some steps with Melanie (they had perfected the moves with the addition of an IV pole on the way to the bathroom one night when Janet was in the hospital), then insisted that she teach us how to do it, too! She also provided the music by singing the song "Shall We Dance". It was so much fun! She also visited with dear friends, Nathan and Becky Rueck, and their four children this afternoon. They arrived in Chiang Mai about noon today after nearly a year on home assignment in the US. Pictures will be posted when I get them off of Pam's camera.

Pam and Becky had a good talk with the doctor and came away better informed as to what may be going on with Janet and some ideas of how to better care for her. One thing that has been difficult is that Janet doesn't sleep well at night, so whoever cares for her at night gets very little rest, also. Last night Janet was up sorting papers in the middle of the night! Poor Becky, who still is jet lagged from her trip from the US, could hardly keep her eyes open and Janet was wide awake! Pray that Janet will be able to get the rest she needs tonight. Six of us are providing most of Janet's care, so pray for us as we coordinate things so all the bases are covered. Because at times Janet is so weak and unpredictable we like to have at least two people in the house with her all the time. We're so thankful for others who help out when needed by taking a shift as caregiver, shopping, bringing in a meal, etc.

Janet is so appreciative of your love and prayers for her!

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