Wednesday, July 1, 2009

What title do you put on a post like this? Pam wrote this in an email this morning and I thought I'd pass it on.

Janet's body began to shut down last night at about 11 p.m. There were many moments when I thought for sure that she would not wait for Becky after all. However, Becky and Melanie arrived at about 1 a.m., and since that time, we have watched Janet move in and out of consciousness.I believe we are watching her body shut down very slowly. Her abdomen is distended to about twice what it was yesterday. She has mentioned once that she was "called back" after being on the "other side." I don't know how much longer it will be--as it seems to be happening slowly--but she is now coughing and heavily congested and wheezing.

Keep praying for grace for Janet as she passes through the valley into the glorious presence of her Lord! Remember Pam, Becky and the others who have been involved in her care, that they, too, will experience the peace that passes all understanding in the coming days.

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for each of you that care for Janet in these days. You are on holy ground! May God tenderly carry Janet into His rest in His time.

    Thanks so much for keeping us posted although I know it is a sacrifice.
    From Freida
